Bruna COELHO 布喬珞

Research Assistant (Portugal)

Bruna Coelho holds a BA degree in Anthropology from the University of Coimbra and is currently enrolled in the MPhil program in Social and Cultural Anthropology at the University of Coimbra. She is a collaborating member of the Centre for Research in Anthropology (CRIA), University of Coimbra, and is the founder of the Internet project Antropia. Her research project, “Public Bathrooms in the Feminine: Analysis of the International Movement for the Adoption of Gender Directives in Public Bathrooms”, brings a gender perspective to our understanding of public toilets in both developing and affluent countries. She is doing an internship at the World Toilet Organisation and is involved in several global WASH (Water, Sanitation and Hygiene) projects. Her research interests lie at the intersection of Anthropology, Science and Technology Studies, Gender Studies, and Urbanism.